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Toners are hair treatments used to enhance dyed or bleached hair color by removing undertones.

However, they must be used appropriately to achieve the desired results. You will not achieve your desired hair color if you leave the toner on your hair for too long.

What Will Happen if I Leave the Toner on My Hair for Too Long?

Leaving toner on your hair for too long results in overtoning. Over toning compromises the hair color and does not achieve the desired result. It also damages the hair, resulting in breakage and split ends. Over toned, the hair looks dull and feels rough.

Other side effects of leaving the toner on your hair for too long include losing your hair’s natural curl pattern such that the hair does not bounce back or feels like a straw. The hair may also feel frizzy and brittle. It does not hold color.

How to Prevent Over-Toning Your Hair

Below are tips to prevent over toning your hair:

Choose the Right Toner

How to Prevent Over-Toning Your Hair - Choose Right Toner

Avoid using extremely powerful toners such as hydrogen-peroxide and ammonia-based toners if your hair has mild undertones.

A blue or purple shampoo followed by the respective toning conditioner may be all you need.

Be particularly careful with ammonia-based toners. Although they are quite effective, they make your hair prone to damage.

They cause your hair to be brittle, limp, and dull.

On the other hand, hydrogen-peroxide toners cause permanent changes in hair color.

They can also cause permanent damage to the hair that can only be resolved by cutting your hair.

Observe the Appropriate Pre-Application Steps

First, ensure that your hair is clean and damp. If you apply the toner immediately after bleaching, you do not have to worry about this, as the hair should already be clean and wet.

If you are toning several days after bleaching, dampen the hair before applying the toner. Shampooing the hair just before toning is not recommended.

If using an ammonia-based or hydrogen-peroxide-based toner, ensure to correctly mix it with the developer to ensure it is efficient and avoid damaging your hair.

Leave the Toner on the Hair for Only the Recommended Time

How to Prevent Over-Toning Your Hair

The appropriate amount of time to leave the toner on the hair depends on the extent of undertones, the health condition of the hair, the type of toner used, and hair time.

On average, it ranges between 2 and 45 minutes. Semi-permanent toners take 2-15 minutes to process, demi-permanent toners take 5-20 minutes, while permanent toners take 30-45 minutes.

Always check the manufacturer’s instructions on the toner packaging regarding how long to leave the toner on the hair. Conducting a strand test to take the guesswork of the toning process is recommended.

To do a strand test:

  1. Separate a small section of the hair
  2. Apply the toner and leave it for the recommended time
  3. Within this time, carefully monitor how the color development is progressing
  4. Take note of how long the hair takes to achieve its desired color
  5. Clean the hair. If it is still brassy, you will have to leave the toner on the rest of the hair for longer. If it is grayish, it is over-toned, and you should shorten the processing time.

Wash and Condition Hair Properly

How to Prevent Over-Toning Your Hair - condition hair

If you do not wash your hair properly after toning, there will be residual toner on the hair resulting in undesirable hair color, damaged hair, dry scalp, or an allergic reaction.

The residual toner could also react with other hair products you use, further damaging the hair.

Therefore, wash out the toner thoroughly after processing it. Rinse the hair with lukewarm water.

Do not use hot water, as it will damage the hair follicles. On the other hand, cold water will close the cuticles before the toner has been washed out. This may result in an itchy scalp and dandruff.

Then wash with a toning shampoo or a moisturizing shampoo to nourish the hair if there are mild undertones remaining.

Use a sulfate-free shampoo that is recommended for dyed hair. Then rinse off the conditioner.

You may finish with a leave-in conditioner to further nourish the hair and make it shiny and smooth.

Don’t Tone Your Hair Too Frequently

Aside from leaving the toner on the hair for too long, over-toning can also be caused by applying toner too frequently.

Recommended For You:

How Long Should I Leave Toner on Bleached Hair?

How Long To Leave Toner On Your Yellow Hair?


While you may think that leaving the toner on your hair for longer than the recommended time yields better results, conversely, it damages the hair and causes the hair strands to be oversaturated with color pigment.

Therefore, you want to adhere to the stipulated processing time, monitor color development closely, and wash the hair properly to avoid further processing. You should observe aftercare practices to preserve hair color and promote healthy hair.

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Can You Use A Hair Straightener To Kill Lice? https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/will-hair-straightener-kill-lice/ https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/will-hair-straightener-kill-lice/#respond Mon, 24 Jul 2023 13:33:56 +0000 https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/?p=42660 Lice are irritable and tiny insects that not only drastically damage your hair health but affect the way you style your hair every day.

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Lice are irritable and tiny insects that not only drastically damage your hair health but affect the way you style your hair every day.

Whether curling, straightening, or blow-drying, lice will make it impossible to make the task simple.

But, since styling tools change the nature of your hair, can they change the living conditions for lice as well? Or, more specifically, can lice survive a hair straightener?

To answer this question, our research team has gathered a few essential facts about lice and the effect of styling tools such as straighteners on hair health. So, without further rambling, let’s get into the info.


Can Lice Survive a Hair Straightener?

Theoretically, lice can not survive a hair straightener as they can not live in temperatures above 45-50 degrees in Celsius scale. But practically you can not use your hair straightener for anti-lice treatment as it’s not a safe method.

This tool is designed to alter the hair’s structure and smooth the hair cuticle, not to exterminate parasites. Due to its design, a straightener might not reach the lice or nits located very close to the scalp or at the base of the hair follicles.

Furthermore, the heat from a straightener is focused along the plates and not distributed broadly, so it’s very unlikely to impact all the lice and nits in a single pass or even multiple passes.

Also, straighteners operate at high temperatures that can burn the scalp if brought too close or used too frequently. They can also damage the hair, leading to dryness, breakage, and split ends.

Lice vs. Heated Styling Tools

There is an overflowing amount of information backed by lab research out there about how harmful heated styling tools can be to your hair’s health.

So, this might make you wonder if one of these tools can get rid of lice with their “damaging” properties.

But there can be a few setbacks. Here are some things you should know about using styling tools to kill lice.

Straighteners Deteriorate Hair Health

bad effects of straightening hair

Using hair straighteners regularly on your hair will take out all its natural moisture. It ruins the structure of each hair shaft from the inside out and damages the cuticles to make them highly vulnerable to breakage.

This eventually takes a toll on scalp health and causes flakiness, protein overload, and more.

Lice live in hair that is easy to hide and obtain blood from, so heat-damaged hair is their favorite. It is often debated that lice prefer living in people’s hair with irregular or improper hair cleaning methods.

That can suggest why lice live in this hair type, as damaged hair is harder to keep sufficiently clean.

Lice Know How to Hide

can straightener kill head lice

Even in the most critical conditions, lice can find their way around it. While you may be thinking that the heat from a straightener can kill off these little bugs, they can sense the temperature shift and flee to the coolest spot on your head in seconds.

By the time you’re done straightening your hair, you’ll most probably see no noticeable result except for straighter and more damaged hair.

Lice are smart enough to hide when provoked so that hair straighteners won’t do much harm to them. Besides, lice stay very close to the scalp, so your flat iron probably won’t reach anyway.

Blow Dryers Are Better

blow drying hair to get rid of lice

Instead of hair straighteners, blow dryers are a far more effective styling tool to eliminate lice.

A good blow dryer will kill about 97% of lice eggs if they are used every 1 to 7 days, according to the hatching cycle of lice. With continuous use over 4 weeks, there will be a very low chance of any lice remaining in the hair.

That is because blow dryers are quicker to maneuver in comparison to hair straighteners.

They consistently distribute heat around the scalp to eradicate lice eggs along with some live lice. Blow dryers also reach the scalp appropriately and kill a large amount of lice eggs in 3 minutes.

What Lice Actually Hate

using hair oil to get rid of lice

Lice despise the scent of specific sweet-smelling hair oils. These include coconut oil, tea tree oil, neem oil, peppermint oil, and lavender oil.

If you can’t do oil treatments regularly or it doesn’t suit your hair type, opt for shampoos and conditioners with any of these oils, and they’ll have the same effect.

Final Words

Can lice survive a hair straightener after all? To put it simply, yes, most of them hide quickly, and only a couple are affected by the heat.

If you made it this far in our article, you already know the best ways to get rid of lice effectively. So, go through our last point if you haven’t already to quickly kill lice without a straightener.

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What Should I Do If My Keratin Treatment Only Lasted a Month? https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/what-to-do-if-keratin-treatment-only-lasted-a-month/ Mon, 19 Jun 2023 10:38:00 +0000 https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/?p=39989 Typically, a keratin treatment lasts three to six months. However, the frizz can come back much sooner.

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Typically, a keratin treatment lasts three to six months. However, the frizz can come back much sooner. If your keratin treatment only lasted for a month, it could be due to several reasons, including poor application, using low-quality keratin treatment kits, or inappropriate post-care.

What Should I Do If My Keratin Treatment Only Lasted a Month?

If your keratin only lasts a month, you can opt to reapply it immediately, reverse it, or find ways to manage the frizz as you wait for the keratin treatment to clear from your hair strands naturally.

If you want straight hair, speak to your hairstylist about reapplying the keratin treatment. On the other hand, you can wash out and exfoliate keratin from your hair. Or, wait for the keratin to gradually clear from your hair. It will take six weeks to six months for your hair to resume its natural curl pattern.

Reapplying Keratin Treatment

reapplying keratin treatment

It is safe to reapply for a keratin treatment after one month. However, keep in mind that the hair is quite fragile, and reapplication may cause it to fall.

The key to a successful reapplication is using the right keratin treatment formula and following the required application steps. An experienced stylist should do the reapplication to prevent damage to the hair and ensure that the treatment works.

How to Reverse a Keratin Treatment

If you would rather wash the keratin treatment from your hair, there are several ways to go about it. Each method entails exfoliating the hair and then moisturizing it. You can wash out the keratin yourself or have your hair stylist do it.

Below are some of the top options for washing out keratin treatment from your hair:

Yogurt and Sea Salt or Coconut Oil and Sea Salt

The first option is to make a hair mask using yogurt, sea salt, coconut oil, and sea salt. You then wet your hair sparingly and apply a generous amount of the mask. Massage it into the hair and scalp and leave it on the hair for 45 minutes. Then, rinse the hair thoroughly, pat it dry with a soft towel, and leave it to air dry.

Sea salts or sodium chloride salts have a gritty texture that exfoliates the hair strands.

Yogurt and coconut oil then come in to moisturize the hair. Coconut is alkaline and opens up the cuticles to loosen any residual keratin, enabling it to wash away. On the other hand, yogurt provides lubrication for the sea salt particles for effective scrubbing.

Bentonite Clay Hair Mask

bentonite clay hair mask

A bentonite clay hair mask serves as a deep hair cleanser. It removes dirt build-up in the hair. When applied to keratin-treated hair, it removes keratin from the cuticles and hair strands.

Clarifying Shampoo

A clarifying shampoo is one of the easiest ways to wash out keratin from your hair. It cleanses the hair deeply, causing the keratin treatment to wear off. However, if it has a high pH, a low pH conditioner should be followed up to restore the hair’s hydration level. For the best result, use it for two to three days consecutively.

Sulfate Shampoo

using sulfate shampoo for keratin treated hair

One of the aftercare recommendations for keratin-treated hair is to avoid using sulfate shampoo as it will strip off the hair of keratin. So, to reverse your keratin treatment, wash your hair with a sulfate shampoo. You can add sodium chloride to the shampoo for an exfoliating effect.

Follow up with a deep moisturizing shampoo. Wash your hair with sulfate shampoo two to three times a week for the best results.

Tips for Managing Frizz

applying oil for frizzy keratin treated hair

If you allow the keratin treatment to clear up naturally, you will need to find ways of managing the frizz. First, wash your hair regularly, at least once every week, to wash out the keratin.

You can use a clarifying shampoo or a PH-balanced shampoo. Then, keep your hair hydrated. Follow up the weekly washes with a deep hydrating conditioner or treatment. Air dry the hair or use the blow drier in a low-temperature setting.

Also, massage some argan or extra virgin olive oil on the scalp, hair strands, and ends to nourish and moisturize the hair. Sleep in a silk bonnet or on a silk pillowcase to prevent the hair from tangling.

If your keratin-treated hair starts to become frizzy after a month, you can opt to reapply the treatment, wash it out completely, or let the treatment clear up from your hair naturally.

Choose an option that works best for you without causing further damage to your hair. Keep your hair hydrated and nourished to promote healthy hair.

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Can Bleach Damage Hair Follicles Permanently? https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/can-bleach-permanently-damage-hair-follicles/ Mon, 19 Jun 2023 08:33:39 +0000 https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/?p=41630 Hair follicles are found in the top layer of the scalp. Hair grows from the follicles.

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Hair follicles are found in the top layer of the scalp. Hair grows from the follicles. These also hold the roots of the hair. Damaged hair follicles inhibit hair growth and may also lead to hair loss.

There are numerous causes of damaged hair follicles, including genetic conditions, diseases and infections, and hair products such as bleach. But can bleach damage hair follicles permanently? Let’s find out.

Can Bleach Damage Hair Follicles Permanently?

Yes, If bleach gets on your scalp during the application process, it can cause chemical burns resulting in damaged hair follicles.

If the damage is extensive, the hair follicles will not regenerate. The hair on the affected parts falls off, resulting in permanent balding.

If the scalding or chemical burn is not too extensive, the hair follicles will regenerate over time, and there will be new hair growth. Hair follicle repair can take years.

Damaged follicles die or become inactive. It is impossible to revive dead follicles without medical or surgical treatment, but you can reactivate inactive hair follicles with healthy hair practices.

If you have a genetic or non-genetic condition that predisposes you to hair loss and balding, it can make it more difficult to reactivate and heal damaged hair follicles due to bleaching.

How to Prevent Follicle Damage During a Bleach Application?

Ways to Prevent Follicle Damage During a Bleach Application

Do not apply the hair bleach yourself—have a professional hair stylist do it. They know the best products to use to achieve your desired results while preventing hair damage.

They also know the best application techniques to prevent chemical burns on your scalp.

A professional hair stylist will also assess your hair, and if it is damaged, they may recommend against bleaching. Or they may recommend a pre-bleaching treatment to protect your scalp, hair follicles, and shafts.

For example, deeply conditioning the hair three days before the bleaching procedure fortifies the hair and scalp to minimize damage. It also makes the hair elastic, preventing breakage.

If it is your first time getting your hair bleached, it is recommended to conduct a patch test. You may be allergic to some of the ingredients in the bleach. A patch test will reveal the allergy beforehand, preventing an adverse reaction.

Notify your hairstylist if you experience a burning sensation on your scalp or during the bleach application process.

Another crucial step in the bleaching process to prevent scalp and hair follicle damage is to rinse off the bleach thoroughly. Use lukewarm or cool water.

Do not use hot water, as your hair and scalp are prone to scalding immediately after a bleaching procedure. Also, hot water keeps the hair cuticle open, which could result in the hair drying out or color change.

Use a mild shampoo to completely get rid of the bleach, and follow up with a conditioner. It is advisable to deeply condition your hair every week after bleaching to hydrate each hair strand.

Finally, be on the lookout for any signs of hair or hair follicle damage after the bleaching procedure. You have a better chance of healing damaged follicles the sooner you identify them.

How to Tell If Your Hair Follicles Are Damaged?

Signs of Damaged Hair Follicles

There are certain signs to look out for after hair bleaching that may indicate your hair follicles are damaged. They include:

However, since all of the above signs could have other causes, it can be challenging to ascertain if a recent bleach hair treatment damaged your hair follicles. Therefore, you may want to see a trichologist for an accurate diagnosis.

How to Heal Damaged Hair Follicles?

Healing Damaged Hair Follicles
  • Avoid manipulating your hair as it puts stress on the scalp. For instance, avoid pulling your hair out, combing it aggressively, tying it up in a tight ponytail, etc.
  • Avoid bleaching or dying the hair again. It causes further damage to the scalp and hair follicles. As such, it makes it difficult for the hair follicles to heal and new hair growth to emerge. Keep off chemical products such as straighteners and toners as they cause further damage to the hair.
  • Analyze your hair after bleaching and perform protein and/or moisture treatment as needed.
  • Regularly massage your scalp. It stimulates blood flow to the scalp and hair follicles, which can help to kick start follicle reactivation and regeneration.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Hydrate adequately, get enough sleep, exercise, and eat a nutrient-packed diet. These measures promote your overall well-being as well as healthy hair.
  • Seek medical help. Medical treatment is the last resort if the hair follicles are permanently damaged. Treatment may include medication or a hair transplant.

Healthy follicles are key to optimal hair growth and health. If they are damaged due to bleaching, you may experience hair loss, thinning, scalp itchiness, and flaking. In case of extreme damage, you may develop bald patches, which can take years for hair to regrow.

Therefore, it is best to avoid hair follicle damage in the first place. If your hair follicles are damaged, see a trichologist. They will advise on the best strategies for healing the damaged follicles and supporting new hair growth.

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What Developer Should You Use With Semi-Permanent Hair Color? https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/what-developer-to-use-with-semi-permanent-hair-color/ Mon, 19 Jun 2023 08:00:38 +0000 https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/?p=39977 Semi-permanent hair color is a convenient and safe way to color your hair short-termly. It does not contain harsh chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which dry your hair and scalp.

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Semi-permanent hair color is a convenient and safe way to color your hair short-termly. It does not contain harsh chemicals such as ammonia and hydrogen peroxide, which dry your hair and scalp. Also, it does not contain bleach, so it can be used on relaxed and permed hair

What Developer Should I Use With Semi-Permanent Hair Color?

Semi-permanent hair colors do not require a developer. They do not require to be mixed with a developer and are applied to the hair directly.

Semi-permanent color deposits color on the hair surface without lifting or lightening it, so a developer—which opens up the hair cuticle to allow the color to penetrate more deeply—is not usually required.

Some people mix semi-permanent hair color with a developer to make it more effective and produce lasting results. However, mixing the color with a developer makes it less effective.

The hydrogen peroxide in the developer breaks down the dye making it difficult to adhere to your hair strands. The result is an uneven color on your hair that fades within a few washes.

How to Apply Semi-Permanent Hair Color

Below are the steps for using semi-permanent hair color.

Prepare Your Hair for Application

For best results, apply the hair color to clean hair. However, you do not want to apply it to dripping-wet hair.

Therefore, wash your hair a day or two before application to remove any dirt, oil, and product build-up on the scalp and hair strands.

Apply the Semi-Permanent Hair Color

applying semi permanent hair color

Put on latex or plastic gloves. Part your hair into two to three sections. Read the product packaging for specific application instructions. Apply the dye section by section. Leave it for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your hair.

You can also highlight your hair using a semi-permanent hair dye. Semi-permanent dye is a good choice for highlights because it’s less damaging than permanent dye and it washes out after several shampoos, giving you the flexibility to change your look more frequently.

Wash Your Hair With Color Care Shampoo, Condition, and Air Dry

It is best to avoid blow drying or flat ironing the hair as it will dry it making it prone to hair breakage.

How to Make Semi-Permanent Hair Color Last Longer

Below are tips for making your semi-permanent hair color last longer and look more vibrant.

Leave the Dye on Your Hair for Longer

Typically, semi-permanent dyes should be left on the hair for 5-10 minutes. However, if you want a more intense color, leave it longer—15-45 minutes.

Since semi-permanent hair dyes are gentle on the hair, they will not damage it even if you let it sit for longer. The only risk is your hair may turn darker than intended.

Apply the Dye to Damp Hair

applying dye to damp hair

Do not apply the dye to dry hair. A bit of moisture loosens up the hair fibers, opens the hair cuticles, and helps with the even distribution of the dye. However, if the hair is too wet, the color will run before being absorbed.

Use Heat to Set the Hair Color

After applying the hair dye, cover it with a shower cap or sit under a hooded dryer for 15-30 minutes. The heat opens the cuticles enabling the dye to penetrate the hair strands better.

Go for Highly Pigmented Semi-Permanent Hair Dyes

A high pigment semi-permanent hair dye lasts for more washes. Those with the highest pigmentation can last up to 42 washes, which is up to three times the regular dye.

Use Color-Depositing Shampoo and Conditioner

using color-depositing shampoo and conditioner

When washing your hair after coloring, do not use sulfate shampoos or those that contain acid. These shampoos strip the dye and leave your scalp and hair dry. Instead, use color depositing shampoo and conditioner.

They deposit additional color molecules on the hair, making it more colorful. These shampoos and conditioners can help your hair color last 5-10 more washes.

Do Not Wash Your Hair Too Frequently

It washes off the semi-permanent hair color, making it fade faster. Limit your washes to one to three times per week. When you do, use a color-enhancing shampoo.

Also, wash the hair with cool water to avoid opening the hair cuticles leading to color shedding. Besides, washing your hair too frequently strips it of essential oil, leaving it dry.

Avoid the Sun

UV rays weaken the chemical bonds on the dye, causing it to fade. They also dry the hair resulting in damage. If you go out in the sun often, apply a thin layer of shea butter oil, coconut oil, castor oil, or other oil on the hair to create a protective layer against the UV rays.

Do Not Swim Without Covering the Hair

The chlorine will strip color from the hair. It also dries the hair and scalp making it prone to breakage. So, if you must swim, protect your hair and scalp before diving in.

Unlike permanent and demi-permanent hair dyes, semi-permanent hair color does not need to be mixed with a developer. Doing so weakens the dye making it lighter and more difficult to set in the hair. It also washes off easily.

Since semi-permanent dyes do not contain harsh chemicals such as bleach, hydrogen peroxide, and ammonia, they are generally safe on hair and easy to use. They are safe for at-home application too.

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How to Remove Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Instantly https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/how-to-remove-semi-permanent-hair-dye/ Sun, 18 Jun 2023 14:17:47 +0000 https://www.hairdohairstyle.com/?p=39112 Semi-permanent hair dyes are available in all colors you might want and are a fabulous option for all those women who want to make a dramatic change.

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Semi-permanent hair dyes are available in all colors you might want and are a fabulous option for all those women who want to make a dramatic change.

However, there might be times when the color doesn’t look how you wanted and planned, or it starts fading and looks unpleasant. In this situation, you need to find the best way to remove semi-permanent hair dye instantly and get your hair color back.

Don’t worry; we’ve got your back, and in the following article, we will show you the most effective tips and tricks to take off color from your hair.

But first, let’s find out how semi-permanent hair dyes act on your hair and which are the particularities of this temporary paint are.

What is Semi-Permanent Hair Dye?

semi permanent hair color

Semi-permanent hair dyes are the best way to color your hair without adding ammonia. These products will only coat your threads and can last up to 12 washes. You can apply it to your natural or bleached hair. The hair dye will look more vivid and spectacular if the hair color is lighter.

One of the best things about semi-permanent hair dyes is that they are safe to apply after a perm and even a relaxer treatment. They can be also used to warm shades by using a one or two levels lighter product. When applying semi-permanent hair color, ensure you wash your hair before the procedure. 

Just like a toner, semi-permanent hair dyes fade out on their own. 

However, please do not confuse these products because there are essential differences between them that you should consider when dyeing your mane.

How to Remove Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Quickly

using shampoo to remove semi permanent hair dye

There are numerous ways to remove semi-permanent hair dye. Some of them will require multiple washes and ingredients you can find in any home, while others are effective after only one application and remove the color in just a few minutes. 

The best way to take off the color is to create a mix using the following ingredients:

  • bleach or lightener;
  • anti-dandruff or clarifying shampoo;
  • 20 vol developer;
  • water.

This formula is recommended, especially when your hair is dyed in a pastel blue or green shade.

Steps to Remove Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Safely

  • Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, and using a brush, spread it on the hair pieces where you previously applied semi-permanent dye;
  • If the roots are in your natural color, avoid that area; otherwise, you will lighten them too; 
  • Use protective gloves and rub the hair in your hands to ensure the product is evenly spread; 
  • Use a cap to enhance the effects of your mix and let it sit for 20 minutes;
  • Rinse with lukewarm water after.
  • A bleach bath will eliminate unwanted colors, and your hair will be ready for the next shade or color combo. 

Tips and Tricks to Know When Removing Semi-Permanent Dye

tips to remove semi permanent hair dye

If you’ve never done this before and don’t know how to use bleach safely, do this procedure in a hair salon. However, if you want to remove the semi-permanent hair dye immediately, pay attention to these tips:

  • Don’t leave the mix for too long. Even if it is diluted with water, the bleach can cause hair breakage. It will make it look brittle and dry;
  • Once you are done with the mix, use nourishing hair masks and conditioners to soften those tresses and help them regain that shiny natural aspect; 
  • Be careful where you apply the bleach. It will lighten and remove both hair dye and natural hair color. Remember that you will not be able to regain your natural color after bleaching. 

Other Ways to Remove Semi-Permanent hair dye

mixing baking soda with shampoo to remove semi permanent hair dye

There are other ways you can remove semi-permanent hair dye, but the procedure will require more time and effort. However, these options are less damaging. You might consider mixing anti-dandruff shampoo and Vitamin C or baking soda and dishwashing soap. 

These are safe ways to remove semi-permanent hair dye overnight. They will dry your hair, but a good conditioner or hair rinse will solve the problem in no time. 


Can I cover white hair with semi-permanent hair dye?

That depends on your hair type and dye. If the thread is very porous, this paint will be effective for those who are struggling with depigmented strands caused by aging. However, these products will not last for too long.

What are the differences between toners and semi-permanent hair dye?

The main thing that makes a distinction between these two products is their purpose.

A toner is usually added after you previously bleached your hair and dyed it in a new color. By using a toner, you will neutralize warm tones and brassiness. On the other hand, semi-permanent hair dye is not used for lightning but to cover what you already have.

What are the differences between Semi-permanent and permanent hair dye?

These two products act differently on your hair. Semi-permanent hair dye only coats the thread, while permanent options get inside the cuticle and can be removed only with bleach.

What are other non-permanent hair coloring options?

The product variety is quite vast so if you just want a temporary change, you can get color sprays, hair chalk, or toners.

Semi-permanent hair dyes will last even 12 washes, but we all remember that one time when the DIY process didn’t go according to plan. So, use an effective method to remove the dye and let us know how it went. 

The post How to Remove Semi-Permanent Hair Dye Instantly appeared first on Hairdo Hairstyle.
